Cancer Research Information

A quick and dirty page with info that I have discovered. The information is targeted toward cancer and cancer patients but, as you will see, applies to other diseases, as well. I took the time to put it together because I knew that if I were a cancer victim who had done no research at all, it is information that I would like for someone to be kind enough to give to me.

While this may include my opinions as to what I may or may not do in certain situations, it is not to be considered advice but rather an attempt, with references, to explain my journey that led to those opinions and thereby start you off upon your own investigation.

You might be surprised to learn the number of hours that went into even this quick and dirty first version, or maybe not. In any event, mistakes are bound to have been made. If you see any or any broken or invalid links, please report to me via jeremoore at gmail dot com.

As I said, this is a quick and dirty first version. Changes will be made, links will be added, etc. as time goes on.

Now here we go…

Because of the amount of research I have done on medical matters and the direction that research has taken, I have come to believe the following. This will, therefore, become my thesis, and I will address each matter below. If I miss anything, it will be because I just got tired of writing:

  1. The biggest medical problem facing America today, and perhaps the world is chronic hyperinsulinemia, caused by diet.
  2. This condition, due to its causing a coincident condition of chronic systemic inflammation, if not a direct cause is at least a contributor and virulent promoter of all of the major debilitating illnesses that we suffer from today, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease.
  3. This condition causes Type 2 Diabetes, but it is the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes, mainly elevated blood sugar levels, that are “managed” and not the underlying disease that is “cured” or even treated.
  4. This condition promotes cancer in two ways – by the cell-damaging effects of the resulting chronic inflammation and by feeding cancer its favorite nutrient – glucose.
  5. The medical establishment is not geared to curing disease but to managing symptoms over a long period of time, which creates large and predictable streams of income. It therefore develops blinders to certain things. We see the truth of this every day when patients are steered to new, high-profit and maybe less-effective drugs and away from proven low-profit alternatives. Consider the current high-profile issue of hydroxychloroquine (and ivermectin) vs. Remdesivir. As I understand it, Remdesivir is a symptom moderator, like TamiFlu, for CV19 while HCQ appears to be a cure. Remdesivir is also experimental and has serious side-effects. We also see the blinders when doctors today still recommend that their Type 2 Diabetes patients follow a high-carb, low-fat diet. When you remove fat from a product, you also remove taste, so do you know what they put back in to fix that? Sugar! I have said many times that doctor-recommended high-carb diets have killed more diabetics than the disease itself. That’s a provocative and slightly nonsensical (after all, it is always the disease that kills) statement, but I believe the underlying idea is absolutely valid.
  6. We now know that Type 2 Diabetes is diet-caused, and, since it is caused by diet, in many cases that have not damaged the pancreas too severely, it can be reversed by diet, but have you ever heard any doctor say that? Why? Perhaps because, as a health industry analyst of Goldman-Sachs put it (not necessarily verbatim), “Curing disease is not a sustainable business model.” Well, Dr. Jason Fung says that (that Type 2 can, in many cases, be cured), and this is one of the reasons that I recommend his videos.
  7. Due to #5 & #6 above, much of the significant research today is being done by independent researchers, including doctors and engineers, whose research is published on the internet. Of course, there is a great deal of bad information out there masquerading as good, so winnowing the wheat from the chaff becomes a difficult, but not impossible problem

Part 1: The Role of Insulin in Chronic Disease

While, to my knowledge, the links have not yet been proved, I believe the evidence points to chronic hyperinsulinemia (elevated levels of insulin) as being, if not the direct cause, then at the very least an important, and maybe necessary, contributory factor in all of the major disease categories – certainly in diabetes and heart disease and probably in cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, other auto-immune diseases, and nearly every other major disease.

As we now know, elevated levels of insulin over time causes what we call Type 2 Diabetes. That condition is usually diagnosed by elevated blood sugar levels, but the fact is that elevated blood sugar levels are only the much-belated evidence of an underlying condition – chronic hyperinsulinemia – that has gone on for decades.

Our bodies were simply not, to use a secular word, designed to experience these high levels of insulin over long periods of time, and the primary culprit and cause of that is a high carbohydrate diet.

The normal body insulin pattern is that insulin stays at a low level for a while. Then we eat, and it goes up but then rapidly comes back down to a normal level where it remains until we eat again. Because of two things: eating high levels of (especially refined) carbohydrates plus eating often, our insulin levels tend to go high and stay there for long periods of time.

“I’m mad as hell and I won’t take it any more!”…
… a familiar movie quote which basically becomes the body’s well-deserved and understandable position. So how does the body react to these abnormally high levels of insulin over time? Certainly, the body is smart enough to know that insulin is a natural substance that the body itself produces, but it also knows what levels are normal, and it is programmed to consider abnormal things as bad. And here’s the key. When the body detects abnormally high levels of insulin over time, it recognizes this as an abnormal condition and takes preprogrammed actions. Two things occur:

First, Insulin Resistance
We all know how resistance occurs, like when we take a certain medication over a long period of time. After a while, the body develops resistance to the drug so that more is necessary. It’s the same with abnormally high levels of insulin over time. The body knows that this is abnormal and takes action in that it becomes resistant to the insulin, so more becomes necessary to do the same job as before. And more insulin causes more resistance, etc., etc., etc. Hopefully, you see the problem. Then, when the level of insulin required to keep blood sugar within a normal range becomes so high that the pancreas cannot keep up, our blood sugar level begins to rise, and we are diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes. But, by then, the pancreas and other organs have been hammered by the high insulin levels for a long, long time. Two things are necessary to cause resistance to develop: abnormally high levels of an irritating substance, even if a natural one, and persistence over time, and that is a good definition of chronic hyperinsulinemia.

But this is very important – high blood sugar levels are not the disease but only the major symptom of a disease process that has gone on for maybe decades, and that process is chronic hyperinsulinemia.

Second, Systemic Inflammation
Very generally speaking, inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to an irritant.” (

In this case, the irritant is chronically high levels of insulin. This immune response is a good thing, if it does not go on for a long time, and if it does go on for a really long time, then bad things result. Things like coronary artery disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and many other things that most of us would prefer to skip entirely.

Diet and Cancer
A high-carbohydrate diet has two roles in cancer:
1. In cancer creation – The chronic inflammation resulting from diet-caused chronic hyperinsulinemia damages body tissues and makes the creation of abnormal cells much more likely.

2. Cancer loves glucose – What is glucose? It is, quite simply, what we refer to as “blood sugar”. What causes lots of glucose to be created? A high carbohydrate diet. Just so you know, table sugar is half glucose and half fructose.

It is quite reasonable to think that a normal blood sugar level means all is well, but that is wrong. Look at it this way. If we put 500 pounds in the bed of our pickup truck and then take 500 pounds out, the truck is empty, right? How about if we put 10,000 pounds in our truck and then take 10,000 pounds out? That is also net zero, but is it the same? Not hardly. We have probably ruined our truck.

Even though we may not be far enough along in the process to have developed high fasting blood sugar, a high carbohydrate diet means that tons of glucose are being put into the blood and then taken out by insulin all of the time, and that is just what cancer cells need – lots of glucose all of the time.

How the Body is Fueled
The body basically produces two types of fuel:  glucose and ketones. Under a high-carb diet, the body produces primarily glucose. When you go onto a low carb diet, your body switches over to primarily producing ketones for fuel. That process is called going into ketosis, and this good condition is to be distinguished from the bad “diabetic ketoacidosis” condition which can sometimes afflict Type 1 diabetics and is very dangerous. From a standpoint of weight-loss and perhaps cancer treatment and prevention, ketosis is a very good thing.

But wait a minute! What did I mean by “perhaps cancer treatment and prevention”? Just this: We have already said that cancer loves glucose, and the second part of that equation is that cancer cells are not generally well-adapted to using ketones for fuel instead of glucose. So now an interesting question arises…

Might it be possible to starve cancer cells by depriving them of glucose?
That’s a good question, isn’t it? And if you ask it of a cancer doctor, he/she will probably say, well, it may be slightly true in a certain rare type of brain cancer but not in other types of cancers. Hmmmm… Then how would they explain the fact that the PET Scan is the primary way of determining the degree of metastisis for ALL cancers?

What is a PET Scan?
It is a scan for which a certain radioactive substance is first injected into the body. The substance is one that cancer cells take up more than regular cells. So the clumps of cancer cells suck this stuff up, and the scan then reveals their locations. Care to guess what that radioactive substance is? Here’s a revelation: It is glucose! And they don’t use it only “for a certain rare type of brain cancer.” Why don’t they use radioactive ketones instead of glucose? Maybe because the cancer cells won’t suck that up and thereby reveal their locations? I’m no doctor, but it makes sense to me. And also to others with better creds, as you will see in the references below.

So it seems to me that a very low-carb diet, maybe even totally carnivore, would be useful in fighting active cancer and maybe in preventing its occurrence, as well. Of course, you should not consider this a recommendation, but only a statement of opinion, which could change with more information.

A Related Point Regarding Insulin
Insulin is the fat-carrying hormone. Therefore, insulin is necessary for fat deposition within the body, so simplistically, insulin makes you fat. So here is an interesting observation by Dr. Mercola regarding CV-19 which may well apply to cancer genesis, as well…

One hypothesis for why obesity is worsening COVID-19 has to do with the fact that obesity causes chronic inflammation. Having more proinflammatory cytokines in circulation increases your risk of experiencing a cytokine storm.

Chronic inflammation! Where have we heard that before? And, of course, we know that a cytokine storm is the primary method of mortality for CV-19 within the high-risk patient category.

As a side note, while I don’t have a ready reference for the following, I remember seeing it somewhere, stated by a reputable source, and I believe it to be true – The body cannot survive on a diet of carbohydrates alone or on a diet of protein alone, but it can survive and do very well on a diet of fat alone with the possible addition of a few basic vitamin supplements.

So what should one do should he/she develop active cancer? I wouldn’t presume to suggest what you should do, but I think that the first thing I would do is to go on a strict low-carb died, maybe even all of the way to the carnivore version. I will include below links to some videos by Dr. Ken Berry who has been strictly carnivore, diet-wise, for well over a year and maybe even much longer. In the process, I would reduce my eating window, first from, say, 12:00pm to 7:00pm, eating twice during that time. Then I would, over the next few weeks, squeeze that window down to the point that I would at last be having only one large meal at around 6 to 7:00pm. After that, I would consider other things…

UPDATE: I have since learned that there is a second fuel that cancer can use, and that is the amino acid l-glutamine. While glucose is easily (largely) blocked by a keto, or even carnivore, diet, glutamine is not. It is, in fact, a good thing, unless one has cancer, and then it can help the cancer to survive when one has, via a keto or carnivore diet, converted his body from using glucose as a fuel to using ketones. The trouble with glutamine is that it is in almost everything we eat. For info, watch the videos linked below about l-glutamine, but for now, I will just say that intermittent fasting has moved up in importance so far as disease prevention and cancer avoidance and treatment are concerned.

Part 2: Alternative Treatments for Cancer?

Now this is the part that may sound crazy. I know that it did for me. At first. It still does a bit, perhaps because I have been so thoroughly brainwashed by the medical profession to think that only they could have the answers, but I still think that it is important information for cancer patients to have, and then, once they have it, they can decide what, if anything, to do with it.

Normally, I do not go down the “This Cured My Cancer!” or “Heart-Disease”, or whatever, rabbit hole, but the Joe Tippens story was, for me anyway, just too compelling to ignore. First of all, I first learned of Mr. Tippens’ saga in an article on Lew Rockwell is a prominent Austrian Economist who founded the prestigious Mises Institute at Auburn University. So it is a reputable site.

But Lew Rockwell didn’t write the article. The author was Bill Sardi, so we might wonder who he is? Doing a bit of research, I found that he is a board member for the Foundation for Health Research. I admit to not knowing much about the Foundation, but I at least could tell that it wasn’t some underachiever making up stuff in his grandma’s basement. Sardi has also been a regular contributor to the Rockwell page, and, as I said, it is there that I saw his article, “A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine!”. Link here and also below, along with the other Tippens links.

Then I saw that Tippens had actually been interviewed by the ABC News affiliate, KOKO 5 News in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and I thought, “That’s interesting,” so I watched the video. Then I learned that Tippens has put up and maintained a blog recounting in detail his disease experience and what he did, apparently with great success, and saying that countless others have achieved similar results. So, like I said … compelling. So I suggest that you read the Rockwell article, watch the news video, and then, if you are still interested, read Tippens’ very detailed blog.

Now, from here on, it’s up to you. Whether you thank me for providing the info or curse me for wasting your time makes no difference. Either way, I’ve completed what I felt obligated to undertake, and my task is done. If you are a cancer victim, then God bless you and your family. Know that you will, at least indirectly, be in my daily prayers.


All links will open in a new tab or window, so you can easily come back to here.

Obesity, Sugar, Insulin, and Cancer

Obesity Is Always and Everywhere an Insulin Phenomenon
High carb diet causes high blood sugar levels, leads to massive insulin production, leads to fat deposition, leads to obesity, leads to systemic inflammation, promotes disease, including diabetes, heart-disease, and cancer.

The Relationship Between Insulin and Cancer
We believe that high blood glucose production can promote cancer growth, that high blood insulin levels over time leads to systemic inflammation, and that systemic inflammation begets disease, but it may be that high insulin levels may directly encourage cancer genesis.

How Fasting Can Starve Cancer Cells, While Leaving Normal Cells Unharmed
Interesting article by a well-known health and diet blogger.

Elevated Blood Sugar Sets the Stage for Cancer Growth
Excellent article by, a top-notch health site. It is a go-to resource for me.

Glucose starvation impairs DNA repair in tumour cells selectively by blocking histone acetylation
Brief abstract by the National Institute of Health, National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Starving cancer cells of sugar — does it work?
Report in Science Daily about study by Duke-NUS Medical School.

How Ketones Reduce Glucose and Starve Cancer Cells (video)
TruthAboutCancer web site article. Don’t know much about them.

Starving Cancer Cells Of Sugar Could Be The Key To Future Treatment
By Don’t know much about them, either.

Starving cancer: Dominic D’Agostino at TEDxTampaBay (video)
Research to solve a problem for Navy Seal divers “led to an unexpected path of discovery
for neurological diseases and cancer.” A very interesting and on point short video.

About l-glutamine:

Cancer Lives on Sugar AND…Something Else !!
The importance of the amino acid l-glutamine in cancer prevention and/or treatment.

Should You Avoid Glutamine If It Can Feed Cancer?
More on l-glutamine.

Dr. Jason Fung Links

Dr. Jason Fung is a nephrologist, or kidney doctor. Since kidney involvement is one of the major complications of diabetes, Dr. Fung naturally began to see a lot of diabetes patients. He began to see that the patients were being being treated in a manner to just manage diabetes symptoms and complications, rather than to cure the underlying condition, and that was a concern to him. That concern led to research on diabetes, it’s cause, and its possible cure. As you will see, his research has merit for many other diseases, as well, including cancer. Dr. Fung’s videos are highly recommended.

Dr. Jason Fung – Therapeutic Fasting – Solving the Two-Compartment Problem (video)
Explains the glucose-insulin-fat deposition mechanism so simply and clearly that even I could understand and remember it.

Dr. Jason Fung: To Lose Weight, You MUST control Insulin (video)
To repeat, high carb diet causes high blood sugar levels, leads to massive insulin production, leads to fat deposition, leads to obesity, leads to systemic inflammation, promotes disease, including diabetes, heart-disease, and cancer.

Dr. Ken Berry on the Carnivore Diet

Carnivore Diet 101 (video playlist)

Joe Tippens Links

A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine
The article.

Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer (article and video)
Interview by ABC News affiliate in Oklahoma.

Templeton Wellness: Cancer Survivor, Joe Tippens, Part 1 (video)
Haven’t yet watched but thought worthwhile to include.

Templeton Wellness: Cancer Survivor, Joe Tippens, Part 2 (video)

Joe Tippens’ personal blog, My Cancer Story Rocks!
The important details of Tippens’ journey.