Me and Sam

Me and Sam By admin – Posted on 04 January 2013 (I wrote this during Christmas of 2011 but never published it:) I’m presently sitting by my thirty plus year old wood burning heater, listening to it crackling merrily as it sends welcome warmth my way, while watching a video of Capote’s A Christmas Memory – the 1969 version starring […]

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The Journey

By admin – First posted on 23 December 2011 Countless long miles had passed slowly beneath them as they trudged ever forward. The sun had risen and set many times as the travelers journeyed together, bound by a common purpose. Behind lay family, friends, duty, and responsibility, but nothing mattered now except the journey. Like lowly thieves, they had rested […]

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When the Music Stopped

  Feb 3, 2013 (The following article was posted on Facebook by a friend of the author.) [For those who are unaware: At all military base theaters, the National Anthem is played before the movie begins.] by Chaplain Jim Higgins LSA Anaconda Ballad Airport, Iraq I recently attended a showing of “Superman 3” here at LSA Anaconda. We have a […]

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Dear Sadie, …

Dear Sadie, … By admin – Posted on 14 November 2011 Please note: This is long. There’s just no getting around it, but nothing shorter would have been appropriate, so, if you’re not a dog-lover, there’s no reason at all that you should take the time to read it. On the other hand, if you are, then you understand why […]

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Hobo Wisdom

Three hobos are sitting beside a camp fire and talking about the after life. We don’t know the names of the first two, but the third is our old friend, Freddie the Freeloader. The first hobo says, “I think I’ll just go on to Hell and get it over with.” The second hobo says, “If I get to choose, then […]

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