The Journey

By admin – First posted on 23 December 2011


Countless long miles had passed slowly beneath them as they trudged ever forward. The sun had risen and set many times as the travelers journeyed together, bound by a common purpose. Behind lay family, friends, duty, and responsibility, but nothing mattered now except the journey.

Like lowly thieves, they had rested by day and traveled by night. The miles had exacted a heavy toll. The travelers, like their steeds, were weary, yet they thought only of that which lay ahead, never of the comforts which they had left so far behind.

The land which rose to meet them looked very much like that which they had already traversed. Hill gave way to flat gave way to hill again in a seemingly endless progression. Then, as the travelers crested yet another hill, one in front reigned in his mount abruptly, holding up his arm as a signal to the others to do the same. Below, and far in the distance, could be seen a small building at the outskirts of a quiet little town.

“Behold!” he said, pointing. “Our destination!”

Renewed by the nearness of their journey’s end, they hastened their steeds onward. Soon the travelers dismounted and stood upon the still warm sand in front of the small building. From inside came sounds of a baby and of a loving mother humming softly to him.

As of one mind the three travelers looked upward at that which they had been following these many nights, for in the sky directly above the humble little stable was a star — a star which shone with a brilliance unmatched in the heavens. Their wondering faces were bathed in the purest light they had ever known, and their hearts were filled with joy.

“For  unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord.”

Merry Christmas !