The Trending “Dump Trump” Theme – My Answer

The trending "Dump Trump" theme

by Jere F. Moore

There is today an attitude that is inexplicably found even within the ranks of non-RINO Republicans, even among those whom I would consider to be true conservatives, and even among Trump “supporters”, which is very concerning to me. It goes like this:

“It is Trump’s fault that (fill in the blank); Trump is divisive; Trump is toxic; Trump can’t win; Trump should not run again, blah, blah, blah…”

While I will neither criticize nor judge those who may be of this opinion, I do strongly disagree, and the following is why I will not be found wandering down that path…

FIRST: This is the Democrat/RINO/MSM talking point. To my mind, that should be enough to make any thinking patriot want to take the opposite side. Just sayin’.

SECOND: LOYALTY! – Loyalty is a very big thing with me. If a person does something for me, makes a huge sacrifice for me and my family, then you’d better believe that I am going to remain their friend and solidly within their camp and that it is going to take something a great deal more persuasive than just a Democrat talking point to change that.

Here’s a man who willingly risked his personal fortune, along with his own life and those of his family to do a low-paying (relatively) and largely thankless job, who has undergone a withering media and legal barrage from every quarter, even from within his own party, from the day that he first declared his candidacy. The words “…pledge our lives, fortunes and sacred honor” come to mind, don’t they? He has been criticized, castigated, persecuted, and prosecuted such as no other public figure has ever had to endure in the entire history of this country, maybe of the world. And for what? Because he wanted to make his country great again, which is apparently opposite to what the power elite of this country, probably the world, intend. I appreciate that to an extent that words cannot adequately describe, and I will continue to show my appreciation with the loyalty that I believe this man’s sacrifice deserves.

THIRD: Sun Tsu, author of “The Art of War”, the indisputable master of all things having to do with managing and winning conflicts, told us “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. What a powerful statement in just 8 words. Yet in spite of its simplicity, it seems that many people, even true Republicans and true conservatives still do not understand it. If one considers himself to be a true Republican, a true conservative, and a true patriot, then he knows that the Democrat Party, Republican establishment, RINOs at every level, ALL of the major print and broadcast media, and all of the 3 letter agencies are all his sworn enemies. So, who are all of those still persecuting and prosecuting with spittle-slinging fervor? Here’s a hint – it ain’t DeSantis. In fact, DeSantis seems to be their choice for the Republican nomination, and one must wonder why? Could there be something more than just that he isn’t Trump?

FOURTH: The Bible tells us to pay no attention to what a person says (and, I might add to what others may say about him) but to pay close attention to his “fruits”, or his actions, which will always (eventually) reveal the truth about him. I was not a fan of Trump right up until he got elected, but his subsequent actions, unparalleled by any previous president regardless of party, won me over and earned my respect, support, and, yes, loyalty. So, then, should I now pay attention, instead, to what his, and my, enemies are saying about him? And should I now become disloyal to this person who has sacrificed so much for me? Not in this lifetime. Or any others yet to come.

FINALLY: If not Trump, then who? DeSantis maybe? First of all, while DeSantis has done a fantastic job as governor, that’s as different from being president as a planet is different from a galaxy. As president, he is a completely empty slate, and we can only guess as to what that slate would show after four years in the presidency. Here’s a very good question: Assuming that DeSantis is the good man that we believe him to be, would he be able to take the devastating fire from every side, 24-7-365, that Trump has taken and still get the job done? Is there any other mortal besides Trump who could have? On the other hand, we KNOW what Trump did and will do again – honor and deliver upon his pledge to make America great again.

All I can say is God bless President Donald Trump, and, until I see overwhelming evidence to do otherwise, I will remain a loyal and enthusiastic supporter.